case studies

Neuronal interactions vs ants interactions


Can we consider individual ants as analogous to individual neurons?
Deborah Gordon, a biologist at Stanford University, has identified striking similarities in how ant colonies, brains, cells and computer networks regulate themselves. She says:


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Giant Abandoned Ant Colony


Dr. Luiz Carlos Forti,  professor at UNESP (Sào Paulo State University, Brazil), leads the excavation of a huge subterranean megalopolis built by Leafcutter ants that spanned an area of more than 538 square feet and delved 26 feet into the earth.


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case studies

Southwest Airlines route troubles


Some years ago  Southwest Airlines got trouble with cargo operations. Indeed many planes were using only 7% of their cargo space and at some airports there wasn’t enough capacity to accommodate scheduled loads of freight, leading to bottlenecks.


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